Setting Up the Development Environment
Once you have successfully established a session between a Anyware Client and a PCoIP host, you can start developing your own Anyware client. To begin, set up your client development environment, as discussed next.
To set up your client development environment:
- Install Boost version and OpenSSL on the system. The CMake modules provided with the SDK will automatically find them at CMake configure time once they are installed.
Library Names and Versions
Library names and specific versions are encoded in the path names within the third-party tree.
OpenSSL version
only contains the version of
OpenSSL available at the time of distribution. You need to obtain and
update any future security updates that may be issued.
- Unzip the SDK tar file.
- Copy the files to the desired directory where you are developing the custom application. For information on building the SDK, see Building the SDK for Windows.
USB funtionality in Windows Client Applications
If you will be incorporating USB devices into your Windows client application, you must also install the Client USB package. For instructions, see Supporting USB Devices.