Tera 2 PCoIP Zero Client and PCoIP Remote Workstation Card firmware prerequisites when upgrading to new firmware releases.
Answer Depending on the currently installed firmware version on your Tera2 device, an upgrade to new firmware may require an intermediate firmware upload. To upgrade the PCoIP Zero Client and PCoIP Remote Workstation Card firmware, follow the associated …
How do I upload firmware on PCoIP Zero Clients or PCoIP Remote Workstation Card?
This knowledge base article applies to using the Administrative Web Interface (AWI) as the tool used to upload firmware. To upload the firmware using the PCoIP Management Console, refer to Management Console 202x.x (or 1.10.x) administrators' guide and …
Which webcams are supported by the various PCoIP host/client configurations?
Please note that some webcam models have been found to contain different hardware within the same model (possibly identified by a hardware revision number), causing these webcams to behave differently when connected to a PCoIP Zero Client. Ensure to test …