Why does my zero client not badge out when using Imprivata and VMware Horizon 2111

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After upgrade of VMware Horizon Agent from 2106 to 2111 when tapping out the session the session is no longer disconnected however the desktop is locked.

Customers using PCoIP zero clients and Imprivata OneSign connecting to VMware VDI.

 The newer Horizon Agent 8.4 utilizes a 64 bit version of PCoIP that may not be loading correctly. Please add this key and test:
 NOTE: When ever modifying the registry if you are unsure take a back up of the registry first.

1. Create the following key
2. Under key OneSignVC create the following String Value entry.
Name = dll
Type = REG_SZ
Data = C:\Program Files (x86)\Imprivata\OneSign Agent\x64\ssovcd.dll