What is the difference between local and remote cursor in the PCoIP Host Software?

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Local cursor

Local cursor draws the mouse pointer locally at the client which improves the user experience when the client is connected over a long latency network. The improvement is due to the client sending the mouse coordinates to the remote host and then locally drawing the mouse pointer at the client. Sending mouse coordinates is more efficient than USB bridging/redirecting for the mouse.

Some applications use custom mouse pointers which cannot be turned off in Host Software for Windows releases prior to 4.0.7. With local pointer enabled, the user sees the local mouse pointer as well as the custom mouse pointer.


Remote Cursor

Remote cursor, Previously Transparent Local Cursor, enables the mouse coordinate communication, but does not draw a local mouse pointer. This improves the responsiveness of the mouse but only shows the custom pointer. Host Software for Windows releases 3.2.20 through 3.3.20 and Host Software for Linux releases 3.0.x let the user select a transparent local cursor overlay.


Local and remote cursor

Local and remote cursor enables the mouse coordinate communication and draws not only the local mouse pointer but, does not hide the host pointer.  This improves the responsiveness of the mouse and gives the user a local pointer to track. It additionally shows the remote custom pointer. This does mean there are two pointers moving on the screen, the remote pointer is typically behind the local pointer. Some users prefer this so they have the benefit of faster hand eye co-ordination of the local pointer and the customer cursor of the remote pointer indicating what tool is in use.