Recommend upgrading LLS 21.03 or earlier to the latest LLS to avoid service disruption

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Our third-party license provider is upgrading certificates in March 2023

If you are running a supported HP Anyware Local License Server (LLS) or using the Cloud License Service (CLS), you will not be impacted by these changes.  The new certificates are compatible with the supported LLS and CLS.

If you are running an unsupported HP Anyware Local License Server (21.03 or earlier), we recommend that you schedule an upgrade to a supported version by the end of February 2023.


What is the impact is you do not upgrade?

After March 1st, 2023 it will not be possible to add/remove licenses on a Local License Server 21.03 or earlier.  


What is the recommendation?

To resolve this issue, upgrade the LLS to the latest licensing server version. Steps are here.  The latest, recommended version of the licensing server can be found here.  If you are online, the upgrade will take less than 10 minutes.

There is also a workaround that can be applied to LLS v21.03 that will also fix this issue.  


Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. What licensing servers are impacted by this issue?
  2. Are Dark Sites also impacted?
  3. How to check the version of your Local License Server?
  4. What are the recommended workarounds?
  5. How to perform LLS upgrade?



1. What licensing servers are impacted by this issue?

  • Local License Server (LLS) 21.03 and older will be impacted.  
  • Local License Server (LLS) 22.01 or newer are not impacted.
  • Cloud Licensing Server (CLS) is not impacted.


Licensing Server Type Version Support Status License Server Behavior

Recommended version of the licensing server
can be found here.
  • License Server is able to serve licenses to PCoIP agents. 
  • Administrator can add/remove licenses on the License server. 
22.09 Supported on the date this article was written. 
Use link above to check for the current recommended version
  • License Server is able to serve licenses to PCoIP agents. 
  • Administrator can add/remove licenses on the License server. 
22.04 Supported on the date this article was written. 
Use link above to check for the current recommended version
  • License Server is able to serve licenses to PCoIP agents. 
  • Administrator can add/remove licenses on the License server. 
22.01 End of Support
  • License Server is able to serve licenses to PCoIP agents. 
  • Administrator can add/remove licenses on the License server. 
  • Strongly recommend upgrading to the latest supported version.  
21.03 and earlier End of Support
  • License Server is able to serve existing licenses to PCoIP agents. 
  • Administrator can not add/remove additional licenses on the License server. 
  • To Fix:
    • Strongly recommend upgrading to the latest supported version.  
    • Apply workaround​​​​​ identified below if an upgrade cannot be schedule.
Any Supported
  • License Server is able to serve licenses to PCoIP agents. 
  • Administrator can add/remove licenses on the License server. 

2. Are Dark Sites also impacted?

Dark sites license server will continue to serve licenses.  Adding new licenses will be restricted until the upgrade is performed.

3. How to check the version of your Local License Server?

You can check the version of the LLS by using a browser (on the same network as the LLS).  To obtain the health of the LLS and also the version of the LLS, run the following command in browser: 

https://<License Server IP>:<port>/api/1.0/health

The sample output will look like:

4. What are the recommended workarounds?

Customers using Local License Servers 2021.03 or Earlier need to follow the below mentioned workaround to avoid the impacts of the certificate change.

Login into Local License Server VM using putty (logged in user should have sudo privileges) and follow the below mentioned steps.

Step 1: Find Java cacerts path

To identify the location of your java home path, follow the below commands one by one.

which java

This will return the path of the current java binary. Example: /usr/bin/java

ls -alh <output_of_which_java_command>
Example command: ls -alh /usr/bin/java

This will return the true path of the symbolic link. Example "/etc/alternatives/java."

ls -alh <true_path_of_the_symbolic_link>
Example command: ls -alh /etc/alternatives/java

This will return true path to this symbolic link which is actual JAVA HOME path

JAVA HOME PATH will be </usr/lib/jvm/java-version> (Example: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-

find <JAVA HOME PATH> -name "cacerts"
Example command: find /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- -name "cacerts"

This will return true path of cacerts.  

CA CERT PATH: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-

Step 2: Navigate to the TERADICI folder

cd /opt/flexnetls/TERADICI/

Step 3: Give the permissions to local-configuration.yaml

sudo chmod +w local-configuration.yaml

Step 4: Open local-configuration.yaml for editing

sudo vi local-configuration.yaml

Step 5: Modify the https-out configurations

    enable: true
    truststore-path: <CA CERT PATH found in the step 1>


truststore-path: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk- 

Step 6: Restart the LLS machine.

sudo init 6

5. How to perform LLS upgrade?

If you are on the older version, follow the steps below to install the latest version

Online Local License Server

  • Install the Teradici pcoip-license-server repository, using the shell script available here. The script will discover your operating system and configure the repo appropriately.
  • Install the license server:

    • For RHEL/CentOS 7: sudo yum install -y pcoip-license-server
    • For RHEL/Rocky Linux 8​​​​sudo dnf install -y pcoip-license-server

Offline Local License Server

  • Follow the steps given here to upgrade the license server in offline mode.
  • If you need any assistance, please raise a support ticket from our support site.