How do I ensure a fair allocation of bandwidth between multiple PCoIP sessions?
The PCoIP congestion avoidance algorithms are designed to ensure a fair allocation of bandwidth between multiple PCoIP sessions on the same network. There may be some networks where this doesn't work as well. There is also an associated time constant for the network allocation to settle on the fair share and possibly a deviation from the fair share.
- A system with 16 users
- 10 users are playing a full screen video while the 6 others are typing an e-mail
- Network is fully utilized
The following may be symptoms of sharing related issues:
When one of the six users tries to play a video or do any other bandwidth intensive operation they may notice a larger initial delay (a few seconds)
Some of the users playing video may consistently have a reduced user experience compared with others.
If these issues occur, then try overriding the default PCoIP bandwidth control parameters. See What are PCoIP session variables for HP Anyware? for more information on how to override default PCoIP parameters.